Viacheslav Nazarenko Software Engineer



Moscow State University
Mechanics and Mathematics
Master's Degree
2014 - 2020


C++20 Expert
Python Proficient
Go Proficient
Linux Proficient
Networks Competent
JS/React Hobby


Russian (native)
English (C1)
Quantitative developer 2022 - Present
Millennium | London
Small Futures + FX trading team
Responsibilities: maintenance, design, implementation/enhancements of: C++ & Python code base; multithreaded performance of our MD services; deployment of miscellaneous apps on linux hosts; signals streaming platform for researchers (hide kafka behind pretty python/C++ API); HTTP/JSON API for market bar data (minutely/hourly); mentoring researchers and contractors on best programming and architecture practices;
Software engineer 2020 - 2022 Deutsche Bank -> BNP Paribas | Moscow
Low latency (<10μs) equities market data redistribution platform.
Responsibilities: maintenance, design, implementation/enhancements of: zero-allocation multithreaded (lock-free) C++ code base; working with kernel-bypass technologies (open onload, ef_vi); integrating of TRTH-based exchange feeds, working with KDB.
Notable projects: implemented transition from socket API to ef_vi for faster ingestion of the US multicast market data.
CTO 2020 - 2022 Most | Moscow
Ride sharing mobile app.
The project failed to acquire a critical mass of users but provided invaluable experience for the team.
Main tools: Go, MongoDB, Redis, Yandex Cloud.
Responsibilities: designing and implementing a backend architecture in cloud for a mobile app that was handling car routing, CRUD HTTP queries, geolocation streaming, card payments, authentication; leading a small team of backend developers, interviewing candidates, overseeing app and backend interaction.
Software engineer 2017-2020 Rock Flow Dynamics | Moscow
Oil and gas reservoir modelling software.
Responsibilities: GUI development using C++/Qt5, designing and implementing of internal reconciliation tools, C++ utilities library.
Notable projects: implementation of highly interactive geosteering module (managing of the well position on a cross section).